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# mumble-server-vultr-terraform

This is based on the use of [vultr-terraform-example] (

This will deploy a mumble server (or murmur as it may be) onto a Vultr vc2-1c-1gb instance in the Sydney region, running Fedora 33 x64.

### Startup Script

The startup script is located in two places for convenience. Because Vultr expects the script to be passed in Base64 encoding, we can use Terraform's `filebase64` functionality to automatically encode a file in base64 and pass it to this instance, like so:

resource "vultr_startup_script" "standup" {
    name = "mumble-fedora33"
    script = filebase64("")
    type = "boot"

The startup script is applied to the instance (referenced by id) with this line in the main instance resource:
script_id =

### SSH Keys

***This is commented out/disabled by default***

This terraform deployment will also add an authorized SSH key to the root account. The relevant provider is as follows, and is self-explanatory:

resource "vultr_ssh_key" "my_user" {
  name = "Root SSH key"
  ssh_key = "${file("")}"

The SSH key is applied to the instance in the main instance provider as follows:

ssh_key_ids = ["${}"]

### tfvars

The file `terraform.tfvars` contains all of the variable assignments listed in ``. To obtain these values, use `vultr-cli`, which can be found [here]( You can also check through the Vultr API docs [here]( We see these values applied to the main instance provider as shown below:

plan = var.plan
region = var.region
os_id = var.os
label = var.label
hostname = var.hostname

### Firewall

***The inbound SSH rule is commented out/disabled by default***

The firewall rules added are for the default mumble/murmur ports - TCP & UDP inbound IPv4 traffic allowed from anywhere to port 64738.

This deployment creates a firewall group, adds rules to this group, and assigns the group to the instance. It first creates the group as follows:

resource "vultr_firewall_group" "my_firewall_grp" {
    description = "mumble-fw-deployed-by-terrafor"

This group is then applied to the main instance:
firewall_group_id =

### Output

The output provider in `` simply prints the instance's final IP address after the deployment is complete.

So once Terraform has completed an apply, it'll output the public IP address of the instance to **$instance_ip**.

### Updating Cloudflare DNS record to instance public IP address

`````` has to be run seperately to Terraform after a successful apply (just tack it onto a one-liner when you do the Terraform apply). This will read the **$instance_ip$$ value and use it to update a DNS record inside a Cloudlare DNS zone. It's ideal to have this run locally rather than part of the startup script that runs on the instance - so that we can avoid any Cloudflare API keys being transported unnecessarily.

## Deploying
To deploy this instance, simply issue the following commands:
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply;./

## Destroying and clearing Cloudflare DNS record

To destroy the environment, simply issue:
terraform destroy

During this process, Terraform will trigger the `````` script. This will simply set the DNS record over at Cloudflare to